This week in history
This past week as I have watched the Terri Schiavo case unfold on TV and the internet, I have once again asked, what is life? Oh, I know the basics. But who are we. Where do we exist? Do we care at some point about our earthly existance? When are we in the spiritual realm. When the physical. Can we be caught between?
We were known in the womb by God. Before we were able to communicate with our fellow travelers. At what point upon exit do we slip the physical into the spiritual again. Where does the brain stop and he spirit take over?
Of course in all forms we can be one with God. But in some places we can communicate more clearly with him. In some less clearly.
I have been pondering this question for many months now. Before this case took the national spotlight. I know that life doesn't end because we can no longer communicte in an earthly way. I know that man is shallow and wants what is known. I know that as a people we reject the unknown and turn away from it. We wish to go back to the routine. When we step out into an area of unknown we either grow in in or run from it. There is the chance for new understanding, but not if we let fear take over.
In the case of Terri and many others like her, the medical community, the human race at large and even many of her loved ones, friends and family have rejected the notion that she is still Terri. That she is not gone, but changed. That her means of communication have changed but not her SOUL.
Let's hope that she and those caught in the state such as hers are having wonderful communion with God and that we can learn to work with them in their changed states, and not rush to what we feel comfortable with but learn to walk a new path. For fear of the unknown will cause us great loss. It is in the taking of new paths that we can grow and stretch our understanding. We could learn so much, we could grow so much, but instead we choose to turn away and ask for a quick ending to this unknown experience.
How many other situations cause us to turn away. An unknown language, a differenet appearance, a handicap that makes us uncomfortable, a different social standing. Chances lost.
Where do we meet God? In the known and comfortable? Maybe, just maybe in the face of the unknown we stand a better chance for communion with him and he with us.
Let's all pray that we start to understand we are not just physical creatures. This is a short journey of flesh. But our spiritual side, no matter how we understand it and accept it is the stronger of the two, the more long lasting and sadly the least understood.
Let's embrace the unknown and learn from it.
Thanks, you have helped me gain a new insight into the definition of faith.
In understand that these reflections come from a special place in you. I wish everyone who reads these words could know you as I do--it would make them even more poignant.
Sorry I haven't responded to your blogs for a while. As you know, the last two months have been trying. They made me appreciate you even more.
Thankyou for writing that. I have been discussing this case for the past few days. I don't understand how people justify starving someone to death.
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