Thursday, December 16, 2004

If A Man Could

This past Sunday I was once again reminded of all the little things that men in society do for women on occasion.
When I was a child I remember hearing my dad talk with his male friends and often the phrase "If a man could, or if a man had.... " would start a sentence. It was always following with a manly pursuit of a manly idea. Such as a new way to build something. We often joked about it as we were growing up.
I don't know if others ever heard this or something similar in their childhood but it made an impression on my siblings and I.
Over the years I have been a very take charge type gal. I often feel I can do anything and most of the time have done many things that other women leave for the men to do.
But since my husband's accident I have been reminded of how many little things he did around the house. Things as simple as changing a light bulb that is too high for me to comfortably climb the ladder. (Outside flood lights are the worst!)
Or finishing off drywall in our unfinished basement room. Or changing oil in my car,etc.
Many friends from church and neighbors have helped me with these things in the past year +.
I want to thank them for all their time and energy. They know who they are but I will name a few, Garry, Jim, Zach, Brian, thank you!
Just this past Sunday as we were ready to leave church we found that the battery in the van was dead. Luckily Garry was still around the building and he and Ky came out and jumped it off for me. (After much discussion on who had the best tools,etc.) Times like this make me realize how vulnerable I feel to be trying to take care of my family without my husbands wonderful guidance.
I feel it most in raising my 10 year old son. There are so many things he needs his dad for and I hope that someday he will have him to share those things with again.
But in the present time, I appreciate your help. And I ask "If a man could.... "


At December 21, 2004 at 8:50 AM, Blogger Mandee said...

Jan, your life touches me. You have a quiet strength and faith that shows to everyone around you and I hope you know it. I know we have only talked a few times at church, but I do pray for you and your family often! I'm praying for a miracle!

At December 23, 2004 at 12:48 PM, Blogger Garry Brantley said...

I'm touched by this blog, and by your life. I hope you realize that you, Duncan, Kelsea, Shelia, Ashley and Frank mean very much to me, my family, and CrossBridge. The little things you allow us to do mean a great deal to us. Thanks for inviting us into your life and giving us an example of quiet strength and faith. I love you in the Lord.


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