Thursday, June 21, 2007

Revisiting Widows and Orphans

“Religion that God  
our Father accepts 
as pure and faultless 
is this: to look after 
orphans and widows 
in their distress…” 
— James 1:27 (tniv
Powerless, vulnerable, needy....
What is it that makes pure religion so hard?
Time, money, effort, consistency?
The ability to see Jesus in all, especially those who need something from us.
Wow, a narrow path. Who will find it?
So many questions.
Did you ever wonder why Jesus seemed to spend a lot of time teaching about the first being last, and no respecting of person and helping the poor and not being like the Pharisees?
Why is the path narrow with few who find it?
Why do we spend so much "church" time on programs, organized ministries, corporate worship, nationalism, and on and on?
Why do we hire ministers, build large buildings, hire staff, and ignore those on the pews?
Where are we lost?
I don't know. Human nature maybe?
Since I have become a widow of sorts I have pondered this and seen it from both sides.
I have had many kindnesses extended to me and I apprecaite all those, but at the end of the day, I still try to figure it out alone, as a woman trying to raise two children on my own.
Occasional, short lived gestures are wonderful. Better would be a committment from someone to take on the task of helping.
Better would be not brining myself to programs, but hands coming my way.
I am not alone. I hear this cry often from the last..... ignored by the first...
If we are the body.... you know the song.
What about me, how often have I reached out.
I don't have any answers for you today, and I am not convicting anyone on purpose.
But I can't skip over these verses any longer without feeling the sting inside.


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